About Us

PerformerEvents is proficient in organising conferences and meetings in all fields of science, engineering, and technology around the world, providing you and your organisation with a broad range of networking and publishing opportunities to globalise your research and increase your visibility. It is designed to meet your requirements by supporting you in planning events and publishing conference proceedings and special issues in partnership with reputable publishers.

PerformerEvents promotes the exchange of ideas and knowledge, facilitating collaboration among scientists working in the same or interdisciplinary research areas. Our conferences typically last three days and include keynote and plenary sessions, as well as regular oral and poster sessions. Since 2017, over 8000 in-person and online attendees from 120 countries have contributed to the success of our conferences.

At PerformerEvents, we draw inspiration from the themes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through our scientific events, we are dedicated to contributing to the acceleration of solutions for the world’s sustainable development challenges in collaboration with universities and research institutions around the world.


Click below to view PeformerEvents' upcoming and past conferences. Visit the upcoming conference websites to learn about attendance guidelines, register, and pay registration fees.

Upcoming Conferences

Apr. 28 2025
Event Acronym: ESEV-2025
28–30 April 2025, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Jun. 23 2025
Event Acronym: EMCEI-2025
23–26 June 2025, Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, Italy
Sep. 01 2025
Event Acronym: EMGN-2025
01–03 September 2025, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye
Nov. 10 2025
Event Acronym: MedGU-2025
5th Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting
10–13 November 2025, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Dec. 09 2025
Event Acronym: MedLIFE-2025
2nd Mediterranean Life Sciences Union Annual Meeting
09–10 December 2025, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Jul. 06 2026
Event Acronym: EMCEI-2026
8th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration
06–09 July 2026, IEM at University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
Dec. 09 2026
Event Acronym: MedLIFE-2026
3rd Mediterranean Life Sciences Union Annual Meeting
09–10 December 2026, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy

Past Conferences


Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU)

Attila Çiner

Attila Çiner

Founding Editor-in-Chief, Mediterranean Geosciences Reviews (Springer)
Topical Chief Editor, Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer)
Professor, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain
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Mustapha Meghraoui

Mustapha Meghraoui

Institut Terre et Environnement, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Algerian Academy of Science and Technology, Algeria
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Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI)

Mohamed Ksibi

Mohamed Ksibi

Editor-in-Chief, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (Springer)
Mediterranean and Middle East Universities Network Agreement (MUNA)
High Institute of Biotechnology, University of Sfax, Tunisia
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Vincenzo Naddeo

Vincenzo Naddeo

Associate Editor, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (Springer)
Director of the Sanitary Environmental Engineering Division (SEED), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy
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Mediterranean Life Sciences Annual Meeting (MedLIFE)

Giulia Guerriero

Giulia Guerriero

Coordinator on the Board of Coordinators of the Mediterraneanand Middle East Universities Network Agreement (MUNA)
Topical Chief Editor, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (Springer)
Associate Editor, Chemosphere (Elsevier)
Associate Editor, European Zoological Journal (Taylor & Francis)
Associate Editor, specialty: Biodiversity, Frontiers for Young Minds (Frontiers)
Department of Biology, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Society of Reproduction and Comparative Endocrinology (SRBCE)
Asia and Oceania Society of Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE)
President of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Environment, IRCEnv (CIRAm), University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
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Linda S. Pagani

Linda S. Pagani

Professeure titulaire, Faculté des Arts et des Sciences, École de psychoéducation
Chercheure, Faculté de Médecine, CHU mère-enfant Sainte-Justine
Université de Montréal, Canada
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Emerging Materials Global Network Annual Meeting (EMGN)

Achraf Ghorbal

Achraf Ghorbal

Director of Research Unit Advanced Materials, Applied Mechanics, Innovative Processes and Environment, Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gabes, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia
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Tarek Echekki

Tarek Echekki

Associate Department Head of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering @ NC State University
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering’s Director of Undergraduate Programs @ NC State University
Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
North Carolina State University, USA
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PeformerEvents conferences are held in collaboration with a number of institutions and universities worldwide:

PeformerEvents conference proceedings and special issues are published in collaboration with:


PerformerEvents conference proceedings are published by Springer and indexed in Scopus after a peer-review process coordinated by our editors. The best selected papers are published in special issues of journals produced by reputable publishers.

The following are some examples of published proceedings and special issues from our PerformerEvents conferences:

Conference Proceedings

Special Issues


You can watch all PerformerEvents videos on our YouTube channel (click below for more details):








Performer Events FZ-LLC
DMC5, Dubai Media City, P.O. Box 72280, Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 800 4377  Email: contact@performer-events.org